Natural Resources and Environment Institute

Trang Aquarium

Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya Trang Campus

Sea Show
Natural Resources and Environment Institute


The Natural Resources and Environment Institute is located at Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya, Trang Campus. It plays a vital role in the study and conservation of aquatic animals. One of the key features of this institute is the large aquatic nursery, designed to support the care and study of various aquatic species. The large aquatic nursery is crafted to closely resemble the natural environment, allowing the animals to adapt and thrive. The nursery is spacious enough to accommodate a diverse range of aquatic species.


The management of the large aquatic nursery requires specialized knowledge and skills from aquatic animal experts. The management process includes the following:

Water Quality Monitoring
– Regular water quality checks are conducted to ensure that the water conditions are suitable for aquatic animals.
Upgrading the filtration system and adding essential nutrients when necessary.

Feeding and Aquatic Animal Health Care
– Providing a balanced diet tailored to the needs of each species.
– Regular health check-ups to monitor the well-being of aquatic animals and ensure early detection of any health issues.

Nursery Management and Maintenance
– Regular cleaning and maintenance of the nursery to ensure a clean and safe environment for aquatic animals.
– Monitoring and maintaining the filtration and water circulation systems to ensure optimal water quality


มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีราชมงคลศรีวิชัย วิทยาเขตตรัง
ที่ตั้ง : 179 หมู่ 3 ต.ไม้ฝาด อ.สิเกา จ.ตรัง 92150 
(Aquarium) : 098-016-1076
อีเมล์จองเข้าชม Aquarium :

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